


Hi, I’m Chastity.

Thank you so much for checking out my blog!

I’m a California gal who now lives in Florida with my husband John and our IVF baby boy.

I write about my infertility journey and helpful tips to help you with yours.

My mission is to help 10,000 women achieve their dream of having a baby that allows them to live a dream fulfilled and happy life.

I believe in empowering and encouraging women who want to grow their family.

Grab a cup of decaf tea and stay a while. 

I’d love to connect with you and cheer you on your journey to baby. 

Blessings to you.

Infertility is a Journey


We tried to conceive for 6.5 years. It was a challenging and long process.

Three rounds of in vitro fertilization (IVF) consisting of three egg retrievals, one fresh embryo transfer, and one frozen embryo transfer.

I imagine you are wondering:

How did I get pregnant with IVF?

What vitamins and supplements led to my success?

Did I eat a fertility friendly diet?

How did I stay encouraged?


During my infertility journey, I shed many tears and experienced numerous disappointments.


Can YOU relate to any of these:

  • Will I ever get pregnant?
  • Frustrated it is taking FOVEVER to have a baby
  • Sad every time family member or friend announces pregnancy
  • Is this it for my life, no children
  • Tired of disappointing doctor appointments, lab results; etc.
  • Looking to drink the water that makes fertile Myrtle pregnant so easily
  • Feeling like you’re on a rollercoaster with ups and downs
  • Tired of hearing just relax, or be patient it will happen
  • Why don’t you adopt?

If so, you are in the right place.

Not too long ago, I was in the same place as YOU.

At times, I felt DISCOURAGED, INADEQUATE and wondered if I would ever become a Mother.

I was frustrated with trying everything to get pregnant and all the remedies

Through it all, I remained hopeful that one day I would become a wonderful mother.

I relied on God’s perfect timing, hope, and faith to continue on this infertility journey.

Along my journey, I found several helpful tips for IVF success. I believe my mission is to help 10,000 women achieve their dream of having a baby that allows them to live a dream fulfilled and happy life.

I will share helpful tips and information to help you get to experience that miraculous feeling of holding your baby for the first time. 


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