All you need is love.

John Lennon

Infertility During the Holidays


Have you ever felt a surge of emotions as the Holiday season approaches?

Many emotions are introduced in the Holiday season for those going through infertility.

Some experience joy, sorrow, mourning, longing, and frustration.

During the Holidays, we are constantly reminded of how joyous it is to have children to share these special moments.

We are surrounded by many images in the media of families with children enjoying the Holidays together.

What if you have tried to conceive for years or even a few months?

For some, length of time is not a major factor to having a great longing for a baby. Trying for a baby in one month or six years may still introduce similar emotions.

How to Handle Infertility During the Holidays

When you experience a myriad of emotions as the Holiday season approaches, what are some ways you can handle infertility?

  1. Look inward and acknowledge your emotions
  2. Add daily gratitude to your routine
  3. Serve others
  4. Write goals
  5. Start a vision board
  6. Ask God for a baby

Look inward and acknowledge your emotions: Accept, Surrender, Release

Take time to feel your emotions.

Try to understand why you are experiencing certain emotions.

Accept the silent tears, feelings of frustration, anger, and impatience.

Experience and surrender to these emotions temporarily.

Surrendering means to fully acknowledge and accept that you are feeling angry, depressed, sad, jealous, or envy.

Release these emotions by crying and then deep breathing.

Next, close your eyes and take a deep breath.

Imagine that you are breathing in hope, happiness, new life, and positive results.

When you release your breath, you are releasing frustration, anger, depression, sadness, envy and all the other emotions you have experienced during the Holidays.

This will allow you move forward in your journey because you have looked inward, acknowledged, accepted, surrendered, and released these emotions.

Add daily gratitude to your routine

Focusing on being grateful for your current circumstances can impact your mood and health.


Write 1 – 3 things that you are grateful for each day.

Here is an example:

Today I am grateful for:

      1. a loving husband
      2. a safe home
      3. freshly washed sheets

    Here is a Lovely Gratitude Journal to help jump start your daily gratitude routine.

Serve Other People


Write goals

When I faced infertility during the Holiday season, I found that writing my personal and professional goals helped to provide clarity on what I want in life.

Writing my goals also helped me look forward the great opportunities that were coming.

Specifically, on my list of personal goals each year I would write have a successful IVF cycle, a happy and healthy pregnancy and baby.

Almost all of my planners that I used during my infertility journey have a specific goal of having a successful IVF cycle resulting in a positive pregnancy test, healthy pregnancy, delivery, and baby.

Here are a few examples of the goals that I have written down over the years.

GOALS 2021

→ Maintain a Healthy Diet for 90 days to Prepare Eggs to be Healthy and ready to fertilize

→ A successful egg retrieval with at least 2 normal embryos to freeze

→ Acupuncture sessions once per week from start of IVF cycle to embryo transfer day


Start a vision board

After writing down your goals related to having a baby, create a vision board.

Add images of your dream baby on the vision board.

It is amazing and incredible to see how my vision board images came alive

Ask God for a baby

The Bible says that if you ask you will receive.

Whatever you are hoping for, believing for, ask God.

Ask God to bless you with a baby.

I asked God for a one baby boy and two baby girls.

I asked for a baby boy that is cute, with dimples (like me!) that will be at least 6′ tall and born in January.

I asked for baby girls with beautiful take you breath away eyes, long curly hair, dimples (like me!) and gorgeous.

I also prayed and asked that all my children would love of reading, find their purpose in life early and are successful in whatever they are predestined to do.

Be specific and ask for the baby that you are dreaming of.

Does your baby have brown eyes, soft curls and dimples?

What month will the baby be born?

These specific requests to God show God that you are acting in faith and believing that he will grant the desires of your heart.